Friday, May 30, 2014

"Oh the mission life"

Hey fam!
Wow, I loved all of the pictures this week! It looks like you are all having so much fun in Arizona together. I still can´t believe you all live there.
A little about t his week... I dont have much time to write today because we kind of double booked oursleves today so we have been running about all day but I will fill you in a little about my week and write more next week.

Jaja Oh the mission life. Its the best life but man, Heavenly Father sure has a good sense of humor and definitely does not let you get even close to comfortable in this work. When it rains it poors but the good thing is that I am really learning to love to dance in the rain. jaja.
Our beloved family Jose Luis and Maria are just really passing bad right now (I cannot for the life of me think of how to say that so it sounds right in english. Jaja.) and it hurts my heart so bad to see satan ruin families. He knows the importance and sacred nature of the families and he is attacking families so much hoy en dia. It is so sad to watch and Hermana King and I are now at a position that we cant do much but just pray and fast for them. There is a talk from Elder Holland  that he gave to the MTC a few years back where he says how he knows the sacred gift we we have called our free agency but sometimes it really just frustrates him that we have it! jaja. This week I feel a smidge of that same frustration. I can only imagine how Heavenly Father feels. Its like the answers and help are right in front of us and he is practically hitting us over the head telling us what to do but we continue in our own ways y no lo hacemos caso. I also just have to trust in Heavenly Father and know that He is merciful and long suffering and is patient with us as we often times stubble around for awhile. A few prayers for Maria and Jose would be greatly appreciated!
BUT! The good news is that Juan is just as incredible as ever and I am truly so humbled to be a part of his conversion process. We recieved the nicest text from him the other night. And as missionaires we receive lots of nice texts from people thanking us for helping them and what not. I just wish they understood how grateful I am for them. I tell them all of the time I just hope they believe it. We had a lesson with him on Tuesday night and wednesday at 6:30 am he a huge test of his brain to see if it has grown and to determine what treatment to do. He was pretty dang nervous monday and tuesday but after our lesson on tuesday this was the text from him. I am going to write the message out just so that I remember it....
" Hermanas, muchas gracias por todo. Mañana seré fuerte porque me lo han enseñado a ser, mañana me levanto y lucho contra todo proque me habéis enseñado la verdad y han sido unas grandes maestras y unas mejores misioneras, gracias por todo lo que me han enseñado. Ahora sé que puedo porque ustedes me han llevado a la verdad, me han enseñado a confiar en Dios. Sin ustedes nunca hubiera sabido lo que es camiar solo. Buenas noches y que descansen."
all of the craziness that we face as missianories is so so so worth it to be able to just help one person come to know and accept the truth.
We had to do splits this week bc hermana King had a doctors appointments and we had a few really important citas so I went to our citas with Lady , and recent convert and man she just kicked butt in our lessons and helped me a ton. She taught as is she was a missionary. There is nothing like seeing your recent converts share their testimony with others. Speaking of that real fast (sorry, now I am just rambling as I have 5 more mintues left before we have to leave) we had a lesson with Juan last night at a members house and the elders also brought one of their investigators (this family is absolutely incredible! Oh, it is Efraín´s family, the house I skyped at on mothers day). Ever sinlge sunday night they have a Missionary work family home evening where all of us missionaries can bring an investigator and coordinate together to teach a lesson. We brought Juan and at teh end asked him to share his testimony about the book of mormon to help this one girl who was having a harder time understanding the importance of it and man oh man he shared such a powerful testimony of the book. It left the entire room in tears and the spirit testified to each of us of the truthfulness of his testimony! Wow! Moments like that make everything so so worth it.  

I hope everyone is studying from Preach my Gospel every week! I would love to hear next week what you have studied!
Les quiero mucho!
Con amor,
Hermana Heims

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