Monday, April 21, 2014

Filled with Gratitude

Hello fam!
Wow, my heart is seriously just so full of gratitud right now I think it might explode. This week has been just like any other week but as I was saying my prayers last night my heart just overflowed with gratitud for this oportunity to be a missionary right now. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father trusts us jovenes to go out to forgein countries and preach His gospel. I make so many mistakes as a missionary but Heavenly Father is just so merciful and loving and continues to bless me dia tras dia. I love being a missioanry so much, I truly couldnt imagine doing anything else right now. I feel so blessed to be a missionary.
Our wonderful family Jose and Maria are still just rockstars. Saturday we had our ward talent show (you all saw the video on fb right? oh man that elder in the middle, Elder Wilson was hilarious was he not?!) and they came and just fit in so well and made so many friends. And then after church on Sunday jsut kept thanking us for being their angels who brought them the truth that they have been searching for for so many years. They are going out of town this weekend to Madrid and we literally devasted that they werent going to be able to watch conference in the chapel with the ward but then we found out taht they are transmitting it live here so we are watching it at 5pm-7pm and 9pm-11om both saturday and sunday so they will be able to come to the Sunday sessions and they were SO excited when they found this out. They are jsut so wonderful!
Also, guess who is now is my district?! Hermana Mather!!! We had transfers today and hermana king and I stayed put which we were happy about!
I dont know if I have every really mentioned Mari and Paco in my emails but they are recent converts of about 11 months now. Paco is our ward mission leader and Family, I cannot tell you how wonderful they are. Part of why I feel so much gratitud in my heart recently is becasue of them. Mari (She is the mom of Arelys, the lady you are friends with on facebook) is like our mother/grandmother here on the island. She just takes us in and makes sure that we are always taken care of and feel loved. Here is just one example of how wonderful she is: The other night it was freezing cold and raining so hard and our lessons had failed us for the night so we were out knocking doors and contacting. We ran into her on her street as she was taking out her trash. It was about 8pm at night and she invited us in to come up and eat a sandwich. We said no becuase it was during proselyting hours and we needed to work. She lives about 7 minutes from our piso and she knew that we would walk down her street to get home at about 9:20 ish so at 9:20 as we were walking home we see her standing outside in the freezing cold holding a bag of food for us. She had made us a whole meal that we were to take home and eat the next day bc she also knew that we were not eating with any members that following day and she had to work so she couldnt have us over. Incredible right? Wow. And this is just one of the many many things that this lady has done for us. I just love her so much. Yesterday we said bye to Elder Wilson and she just bawled and bawled. She just loves the missionaries so much. And then there is Paco who is equally as incredible. We truly couldnt ask for a better ward mission leader. I think he is the most humble man I have ever met. I write all of this bc I am so bad at keeping a journal and I want to remember how truly wonderful Mari and Paco are. Their example has changed my life. I hope to be more like both of them one day.
And to end, wanna hear some super exciting news?!?! Ineibis, the girl who couldnt get baptized a while back bc her legal guardians wouldnt let her got baptized yesterday!!!!! Hermana Scheu called me friday night and told me that she was getting baptized. I literally jumped up and down and screamed! I was so excited! Hna Scheu emailed me a picture of  her baptism, I will forward it to you!
Family, thank you so much for your love and support! I am so thankful for each one of you! I love this work so so much! Everyday my testimony is strengthen more and more of how true this gospel is and how perfect Heavenly Father´s plan is for each and every one of us!
Les quiero mucho! Que tengan una buena semana!
Hermana Heims
ps DyC88:22.

 "22 For he who is not able to abide the alaw of a celestial kingdom cannot babide a ccelestial glory."

I love this verse. We must be willing to live a celestial law here if we want to be fit for a celestial eternal life. I dont know if you all thought this but the Womens conference last night was all about covenants. I jsut finished rereading all of last general conferences talks and the womens conference back in octuber was all about covenants as well. very interesting. We have made sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father upon being baptized and then more in the temple. Are we doing everything we possibly can to keep these sacred convents and renew them every week as we partake of the sacrament? I know this week I definitely want to study more about covenants and improve on being more exactly obedient in keeping them. 

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